The InfoSecurity Challenge

TISC 2023 Summary

The Challenge for TISC 2023

In the aftermath of the fight that prevented PALINDROME's devastating return in TISC 2022, Singapore was saved from the brink of a digital catastrophe. This year, the pursuit led us right to the nemesis' lair to decimate PALINDROME's reign of terror, once and for all.
Participants completed a series of challenges across domains such as Pwn, Web Pen-Testing, Mobile Security, Forensics, Reverse Engineering, Binary Exploitation, OSINT, Cryptography, and Cloud Security. 

Due to popular demand, participants were once again able to choose their own adventure between Track A or B for the challenge!

Upon unlocking Level 6, participants have the option to solve Reverse Engineering and Pwn challenges on Track A or Cloud and Web challenges on Track B. Both tracks would then converge again at Level 8.

TISC 2023 was held over 16 days, from 15 Sep 2023 (2100H) - 1 Oct 2023 (2100H). 


PALINDROME's lair found and destroyed!

Valiant work by all the cybersecurity experts who had put up a truly epic fight! The war against PALINDROME finally came to an end as your strong cyber skills, perseverance, and wits helped to uncover and destroy PALINDROME's lair of operations.

With the end of PALINDROME's reign of terror, Singapore's infrastructure and cyberspace is safe once again... for now!


1,080 cybersecurity experts answered the call in TISC 2023 to hunt PALINDROME, with 327 solving at least one challenge. Web / Cloud challenge (i.e., Track B) proved to be the more popular route for those who completed Level 6 and 7. Here are some statistics:
TISC 2023 stats_final

TISC 2023 Cash Prize Winners Scoreboard

A total cash pool prize of S$30,000 was up for grabs. This year, we have more people obtaining cash prizes!
TISC 2023 cash prizes were awarded to these 18 worthy challengers:

Level 10 ($4,167 per winner)



Total Time Taken


Lam Jun Rong

10 days, 23 hours, 45 minutes and 41 seconds


Gerrard Tai Le Kang

10 days, 11 hours, 19 minutes and 58 seconds


Choo Yi Kai

12 days, 19 hours, 12 minutes and 57 seconds


Chai Yichen

11 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes and 22 seconds

Level 9 ($1,667 per winner)


Ryan Loh Yong Chin

8 days, 10 hours, 20 minutes and 33 seconds


Ou Yang Zhong Liang

7 days, 23 hours, 53 minutes and 43 seconds


Yu Shiyang

11 days, 4 hours, 31 minutes and 52 seconds


Verity Lim

15 days, 1 hours, 59 minutes and 35 seconds


Lin Zewei

15 days, 21 hours, 22 minutes and 11 seconds

Level 8 ($556 per winner)


Chang Si Yuan

1 day, 3 hours, 20 minutes and 59 seconds


Chandrasekaran Akash

1 day, 16 hours, 30 minutes and 27 seconds


Gabriel Seet Hoi Yee

4 days, 1 hours, 5 minutes and 8 seconds


Liu Jie Xu

12 days, 14 hours, 0 minutes and 30 seconds


Lucas Tan Yi Jie

14 days, 17 hours, 51 minutes and 24 seconds


Lee Jia Jie

14 days, 18 hours, 28 minutes and 23 seconds


Lim Jin Hao

15 days, 6 hours, 11 minutes and 20 seconds


Teo Wei Song

15 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes and 31 seconds


Tan Wei Yang

15 days, 21 hours, 40 minutes and 50 seconds

Challenge Creators 

A big thank you to all challenge creators (a.k.a. agents of PALINDROME)! Your challenges have allowed cybersecurity experts to put their skills to the test and your identity will now be revealed:

Level 1 - Disk Archaeology (Forensics)
Alt-Tab Creator (outsourced): Ragul Balaji (Linkedin), Ho Jie Feng

Level 2 - XIPHEREHPIX's Reckless Mistake (Cryptography)
CSIT Creator

Level 3 - KPA (Mobile Security)
CSIT Creator

Level 4 - Really Unfair Battleship Game (Misc)
Alt-Tab Creator (outsourced):  Nikolas Tay (Linkedin)

Level 5 - Palindrome's Invitation (OSINT, Misc)
Community Creator: Billy Cao (LinkedIn | GitHub)

Level 6A - The Chosen Ones (Web Security) 
CSIT Creator

Level 6B – 4D (Reverse Engineering, Pwn) 
Community Creator: Aaron Ti (LinkedIn | GitHub)

Level 7A - DevSecMeow (Cloud Security) 
GovTech Creator: Glenice Tan (LinkedIn)

Level 7B – The Library (Reverse Engineering, Pwn) 
CSIT Creator

Level 8 – Blind SQL Injection (Web Security, Reverse Engineering, Pwn, Cloud Security)
CSIT Creator

Level 9 – PalinChrome (Reverse Engineering, Pwn, Browser Exploitation)
CSIT Creator

Level 10 – dogeGPT (Web Security, Reverse Engineering, Pwn, Cryptography)
CSIT Creator


Here are some of the cash prize winners' and challenge creators' write-ups. We will continue to update this list if there are any interesting solves, so stay tuned! Links are embedded in blue. 

Level 10 Winners:

Level 9 Winners:

Level 8 Winners:

Level 5 Challenge Creator: Billy Cao

Level 6B Challenge Creator: Aaron Ti

TISC Swag 

58 participants who solved level 5 to 10 in the shortest time received our Swag - Divoom Pro Bluetooth Speaker,    T-shirt and laptop sticker!

Divoom pic for website

Badge of Completion

Participants who completed at least level 4 received a digital badge indicating the highest level completed, which you can share on your LinkedIn or other social media pages. 

Badge of Completion_for website

Badge of Participation

All participants received a digital badge as a memento for your participation in TISC 2023.

Badge of Participation_for website

Badge for Challenge Creators

Challenge Creators received this digital badge as a token of appreciation for creating challenges for TISC 2023.

Badge_challenge creator_for website

Badge for Uncovered Unintended Solve

Special category badge for participants who uncovered and flagged out an unintended solve during TISC 2023.

Badge_unintended solve_for website

In Summary

Here's the TISC 2023 Battle Report to summarise the exciting 16-day journey of the competition:

TISC 2023 Summary Report

See you in TISC 2024 for more adventures!